
5 questions for sustainable brands: MONTANGO
Montango is creating hight quality handmade local goods In the middle of their small homeland Slovenia, full of precious and scenic nature.
With the outdoor, active, nature-loving people in mind, they create small series and patterns that promote their home mountains and culture. Their goal is to make high-quality sustainable products that serve their purpose and look good, by using high-quality Italian performance sport fabrics and Econyl regenerated ocean waste fabric with spectacular technical properties as well as planet-friendly production.
1. SLO: Kaj je trenutno najpomembnejši cilj vaše blagovne znamke? Trenutno lansiramo nove produkte in novo podobo saj se je naš asortiman začel navezovati tudi na poletno sezono in kopalni program. Zatorej je najbolj aktualno, da ljudem to predstavimo in se lahko seznanijo z našo znamko, produkti, podobo, načinom dela. Kasneje oziroma sproti pa iskanje novih materialov, produktov, izboljšav, itd. Dela ne zmanjka.
Na neki točki tudi nov poslovni partner, več ljudi več zmore. 🙂
1.ENG: What is currently the most important goal for your brand? We are currently launching new products and a new image as our range has also expanded to the summer season and swimsuits. That is why that is most important to us to present these items to people and that they can get acquainted with our brand, products, image, and way of working. Later, or at the same time, the search for new materials, products, improvements, etc. We are not running out of work.
At some point also a new business partner, we can do more if we work together 🙂

2. SLO: Kateri je največji izziv, s katerim se trenutno soočate kot trajnostna blagovna znamka? Izivi se pojavljajo neprestano. Trenutno je izziv najti določene ponudnike in materiale. Za določene produkte so potrebni specifični stroji ali materiali in iskanje pravih/etičnih/lokalnih/fer terja veliko raziskav in truda. Ampak drugače si niti nebi želeli delovati zato si postavljamo visoke standarde. Moja velika želja je nek recikliran merino blend ampak pri živalski etiki in pa tudi mešanicah materialov sem zelo previdna.
2.ENG: What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing as a sustainable brand? Challenges keep popping up. Currently, the challenge is to find specific providers and materials.
Certain products require specific machines or materials and finding the right/ethical/local/fair requires a lot of research and effort. But we don´t want to do it any other way, that´s why we set high standards. My big wish is a recycled merino blend, but I am very careful with animal ethics and mixtures of materials.
3. SLO: Na katerih področjih bi se še vedno radi izboljšali v smislu trajnosti? Še bolj napredne tkanine, več naravnih materialov, lokalna produkcija za bombažne majice (znižanje transporta in še povečana transparenca navkljub oeko,fairwear in podobnim certifikatom), detajli, ki se pojavijo sproti, itd. Vedno je prostor za izboljšavo. 🙂
3. ENG: In which areas would you still like to improve in terms of sustainability? Even more advanced fabrics, more natural materials, local production for cotton T-shirts (reduced transport and increased transparency despite oeko, fairwear and similar certificates), details that appear as we move forward, etc. There is always room for improvement. 🙂
4. SLO: Kaj stranke podpirajo, ko se odločijo za nakup pri vas? Kakšno bi bilo vaše sporočilo zanje?Potrošniki podpirajo lokalno etično delo in srčne ljudi, ki stojijo zadaj za produkti. Podpirajo etičnost in trajnost in sledljivost izdelka. Podpirajo, da lahko točno vedo, kdo jim je izdelal produkte. Podpirajo kvalitetne izdelke, ki so bili skrbno načrtovani in ustvarjeni z željo ponuditi dobro in etično, brez skritih “cen”. Do kupcev smo iskreni in to se odraža tudi na njihovem zadovoljstvu in feedbacku.
4.ENG: What do consumers support when buying from you? What would be your message to them?
Consumers support local ethical work and the goodhearted people behind the products. They support the ethics and sustainability and traceability of the product. They support that they can know exactly who made their products. They support quality products that have been carefully designed and created with the desire to offer good and ethical, without hidden “prices”. We are honest with customers and this is also reflected in their satisfaction and feedback.
5. SLO: Kakšno bi bilo vaše sporočilo drugim trajnostnim blagovnim znamkam. Veseli smo, da nas je vedno več. Veseli smo znamk, ki so iskrene, ne skrivajo in se pristno trudijo, za boljši jutri, za dobro planeta, ljudi in živali. Znamk in posameznikov, ki s svojo trdno voljo, visokimi standardi in nepopustljivostjo nudijo z dneva v dan boljše produkte. Znamk, ki so transparentne in povsem iskrene do kupca. Zelo pa smo tudi veseli ljudi in tudi živalic in našega planeta, ki so gonilna sila s svojo podporo našega dela.
5. ENG: What would be your message to other sustainable brands. We are glad that there are more and more of us. We are happy to see brands that are sincere, that do not hide and genuinely strive for a better tomorrow, for the good of the planet, people and animals. Brands and individuals who, with their strong will, high standards, and persistence, keep offering improved and better products. Brands that are transparent and completely honest with the customer. But we are also very happy to have people and also animals and our planet who are the driving force with their support of our work.
SLO: In če želite, prosim delite tudi nekaj svojih trenutnih zmag in uspehov Trenutno aktualna je sigurno zmaga na področju lansiranja novih produktov – kopalk in pajkic, skrbno planiranih, lepih ampak funkcionalnih, ki ostanejo na mestu tudi, ko se gibate, so ročno precizno izdelane lokalno izpod gora v Tržiču in za njimi stoji veliko dela, srčnosti, lepih misli in planiranja. Pa seveda etike in trajnosti in podpiranja lokalne ekonomije. Celostno pa slavimo, da ljudje cenijo naš način dela in to nam veliko pomeni.
ENG: And if you want, please share some of your current wins and successes
The current victory is certainly launching new products – swimsuits and leggings, carefully planned, beautiful but functional, which stay in place even when you move a lot, are hand-made locally under the mountains in Tržič and behind which is a lot of work, heartiness, beautiful thoughts and planning. And of course ethics and sustainability and supporting the local economy.
We celebrate that people appreciate our way of working and that means a lot to us.
You can check and pre-order Montango´s new MONSWIM 21 collection right HERE.
Thank you!

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